Hey y'all. Going a month without blogging is pretty much unforgivable, but you know I want to crank out a quality product so you'll come back for more. Geeze what am I talking about, come back for more, utter nonsense, let's get to today's story.
Actually we've had a lot go on in West Chester since the last blog, there was both the Halloween parade and the Veterans Day parade of which I wrote about last year where you can read about them here, and here. (BTW, one has plenty of turn out, the other one, not so much, but hopefully we can change that.) and then there was the 1st ever, West Chester Story Slam! Now if you're thinking about a bunch of soul patched, beret wearing hipsters smoking clove cigarettes from those long plastic filters and drinking espresso while snapping their fingers in approval after every story, it wasn't like that at all. It was more of a cross between open mic night at a comedy club, and an AA meeting.
It was pretty cool, listening to people I didn't know that well if at all tell us stories under the theme of "New Beginnings". I ended up telling the story of when I first arrived in Utah, when I got "diverted" on a tour that I thought was supposed to go to Park City, that ended up first stopping by to see the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, the Mormon History Museum, and the Genealogy Library. Not my strongest story, given how I've got some "go-to" gems like the High Altitude Chamber at McDill AFB story, and others, but it was a good start that just like skydiving, you're nervous and scared as you stare out the back end of the plane, but when you're safely on the ground, the adrenalin, man you want to do that again. So I'll be getting my fix again in January. Hope to see you there!
So, it's been an interesting month as it often is here in West Chester, we didn't burn the place down when the Philly's lost the World Series, so that was kind of nice, and the weather has been kind of bi polar, with dreary rain sprinkled days that last for days, and days of CAVU, (Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited) as we aviators say. :)
With the weather so good, Lana and I even checked out Longwood Gardens, my first time if you can believe it, and it’s clear that our timing was off, because the batteries on both my Nikon Coolpix camera and my iPhone dropped dead, that and if we waited a couple of weeks, we’d get to see all the Christmas lights and decorations. So guess who is going to drop another 30 bucks on getting back in to Longwood Gardens in the next couple of weeks? Yup, me.
Truly though it’s worth it, I’m not a plant guy by any stretch of the imagination, but I do find myself wishing I knew my botany better, if for nothing else than to be able to drive around West Chester on my scooter and say, “That’s an Elm, that’s a Maple, that’s an Eastern White Pine, that’s a Larch,(The Larch) that’s a TREEEEEEEE....as I wreck into one as I’m not paying attention...:)
Oh so I almost forgot, what’s with the title of this blog entry, right? A minor annoyance of mine is all, let me explain. You know it’s also the 20th Anniversary of the falling of the Berlin Wall, which got me to thinking about freedom, which got me also thinking to Yoani Sanchez, the Cuban blogger who got beat up by the Cuban police, which made reminded me of the Veterans Parade and the freedoms we have here in West Chester to post anything we want, which led me to today’s blog. See, when the Rite Aid corporation bought out the Eckerd Drug corporation, they obviously had a redundant presence on Gay Street. So when they consolidated their West Chester operations into the one on the first floor of the Greentree building, they abandoned the storefront across from the Post Office. This lead to one of those amazing happenstances in borough life, that of FREE PARKING. With the Mostellar garage a gravel pit now, can you imagine, a place where you can park, in the center of town, FOR FREE, without fear of being towed? Now I play by the rules, and I pay for parking as part of my rent with the Greentree Building, but I was always happy for those people who could park there whether it was for them to run errands, buy a stamp at the post office, or for a night out on the town. .jpg)
That's my other Blue Scooter, the '98 Chevy Lumina. Yea I parked there, want to make something of it?
That’s why it kind of upset me to see them put up Jersey Barriers around the parking spaces. It’s like the forces at work here couldn’t live with the idea of not making any money off of the 10 or so spaces, so they just denied it to everyone simply because they could. I’m not sure who’s responsible for it, but this strongly worded Blog about it should shame them into removing those barriers, tearing down those walls, right? Right.....
Happy Thanksgiving y’all, if anybody knows where I can mooch an invitation to dinner, let me know! :)
Come on over Andy, you're always welcome here in Washington state! April & Chris
Consider yourself invited. Bring beer 'cause family will be here.
I would have invited you, if I had seen this earlier. How do you feel about Healthy Choice Turkey dinners by the way?
ANDY! Consider me a brand spanking new blogging friend! Now I can officially stalk you :) . . . now I just need to catch up on reading your old posts.
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