Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sorry it's been so long!

Hi all,
I really want to blog about something, but I didn't want to jump back into blogging without saying something about the absence which I feared might take away from what I want to blog about, so I felt it important to have its own entry.
Sorry it's been so long! I have a laptop that has for all intents and purposes given up the ghost, and I've sunk too much into it in repairs to make it worth while to continue with it, so I'm working on getting a new lap top. In the mean time, I'm blogging to you from the basement of arod138 World Headquarters in the Greentree building of West Chester, Pennsylvania. We have here kind of a rec room/office center/gym, (we also seem to have a Spanish Evangelical Christian Church in our basement for some reason) and so obviously we have a computer that has internet access on a first come first served basis.
So with all this going on, plus working like crazy (thank God, knock on wood and all that I even have a job) what with tax season and a self clearing conversion, I haven't had time to get down to the basement and convert my thoughts to electrons.
I'll get that laptop pretty soon, and I'll start to blog more frequently, you have my word!


Dr Zibbs said...

If you take requests, I'd like to see the pictures from inside of that building. I always wondered what it looked like in there.

Dr Zibbs said...

and also wonder if there are any hot college girls that live in there.

John Young said...

I'd love to see the roof deck; I've always wondered about that.

Zibbs, I'm giving you a Yellow Card for Internet Creepiness:

Andrew Rodriguez said...

Hey Guys,
I'll see what I can do, maybe I'll take a video of what it's like to roam the halls of the building. It's a pretty old school experience, without the decrepit sense of the place falling apart.

As for College girls, if they're here, I never see them, but I've found evidence in the laundry room of their existance, if you catch my meaning....

Anonymous said...

I really hope your next blog doesn't tell us of your jail experieince and the loss of your "collection of assorted undergarments" as the evidence label will read.

Also, please let me know if you find the number 42 in the basement.

Mikey said...

What is a self clearing conversion?