Just a quick note, it was supposed to be a 3 day weekend, but I had to work somewhere in between the days off, so I tried to cram in as much as I could within the time that I did have off. One of the cool things that happened was running into fellow West Chester Blogger Dr. Zibbs from That Blue Yak at Chipolte. I think we were both craving a burrito at the same time.
So, on my agenda was to check out another airport, this time it was Pottstown Limerick Airport, not nearly as mom and pop as the Pottstown Municipal Airport, but an interesting place, especially given it's proximity to the Limerick Nuclear power plant. I don't know if there are guys standing around with Stingers defending the reactors, but I think you might want to avoid any overflight of the place.
That's a King Air F-90 heading west, the cooling towers are further away than it seems...
By the way, the drive from Pottstown, through Limerick, to Phoenixville is a nice drive.
On Monday, I got on the scooter to tool around first by kicking off the day with breakfast at Market Street Grill. In so many words, not to shabby a place for food anytime, like a diner, but just infinately better.
Now early on in my scooter ownership, I figured taking it out on the twisty, winding, and hilly roads just to the west of West Chester would be out of the question what with the 49cc engine struggling underneath a fat guy that tends to make it pretty anemic going up hill. But you know I said what the heck, let's go check out the Northbrook Canoe Company, the place John Young is always talking about, because that's only 6 miles from town, and riding to work is at least 2x as far, so hard could it be? Well it turns out that it worked out great, precisely because of the twisty, winding, hilly roads, nobody is going terribly fast, so I didn't feel like I was holding up traffic, and so I made it down to the Canoe company, walked around, and took some photos and then found my way to the Northbrook Marketplace, another John Young recommendation, before turning my way towards home, but not before taking another video of the kinds of roads we have around here, which are pretty sweet, if you ask me.
I actually was going to try and convince my family to go canoeing this weekend. How weird would that have been to run into you again?
I hope you taped that camera on the scooter, you're supposed to use two hands on the handlebars. I do the canoe a few times each summer. Thanks for checking in at my blog!
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